Sunday, March 1, 2009

Terezienstadt: Jewish Ghetto

HI everyone!

We went to a jewish ghetto that was used during WWII and the nazi's "final solution" to the Jewish question on saturday. We toured the town which is this military fortress. At one point in the town, every where you look you see a wall. It was creeping me out! This town was used for a departure point for all the jewish prisoners to be taken to other extermination camps. At one point, there were at least 60,000 prisoners!

Another interesting thing that I found out about Terezin was the children's art. Because there wasn't alot of things for the children to do other than besides work, they drew pictures. The childrens' art was one of the best depictions of how life was in Terezin. They drew pictures about how they had to drive the wagon that carried coffins, how much food they got, how they slept. It was incredible that those types of drawings could come out of children. I was so impressed and it only deepened my love for children.

Although the day was very rough to take, there was one point that I did have a smile on my face. that was lunch. it was not because we got to eat, it was becuase of the place that we went to. We decided on this place that helps out mentally challenged people. I dont know if all or a portion of hte proceeds go to helping mentally challenged people, but some of it definitly does go. The wait was also mentally challenged. It was the most beautiful thing EVER. If my sister was there, i KNOW she would be soooooo happy!

We also went the "concentration camp" part of terezin. That is were they held political prisioners. That was really hard to see and be around. luckly we had a funny tour guide who made it a little better, but it still was tough. I felt that just being there and seeing where so many people suffered and died was like making there life and death into a tv show or a movie. But after having time to reflect, I think that people need to see this so that it doesn't happen again and it can remind us that PEOPLE did this. just my opinion

here are some pictures
This is where the dead would get blessed before taken to the graveyard.
work makes you free. also was posted in dachau
this is where people were executed if they were found after escaping

alright i think that is enough for today! tomorrow, dresden!
love you all,

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