Friday, March 13, 2009

krakow -Perogie-fest 2009 part one

Hi from Poland!

So we (me, kendra, annika, jelena and tara) are in Poland! We arrived at 6 30am and barely made it to our hostel at 8. Yes, we got lost. But that is a different story....

Night tram experience--We took the night train to get to Poland. WOW. Ok, so let me try to explain this experience. First, our car was this little soap box of a car. We had 5 people to fit into it. Then the beds are stacked on top of each other. So I was thinking, "Ok, well my cousin is in the navy, my boyfriend is in the navy...they have to sleep like i can..." yeah...BIG FAT NO. Horrible experience. It was like sleeping on a 2X4 with an inch to breathe. NOT FUN.

Then, I had this HORRIBLE dream. Dreaming from Southern California, earthquakes are something common. SO in my dream, I dreamt that I was in this NEVER ENDING EARTHQUAKE. When I finally woke up, I couldnt figure out for hte life of my why the earthquake still hasn't stopped. YEAH---I'm on a train.

On top of the earthquake and the 2X4, I kept thinking that outlaws were going to take over the train and then the Gastapo/Dementors were going to come get us.

Finally at 6 in the morning when we woke up, I was glad to get off the train.

More to come!


1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie, this story bring back so many memories for me! We took the overnight Orient Express and bandits DID try to break into our compartment! It was SCARY! Have fun in Poland...and eat lots of pierogis for me! Yum!
